
Terrific Tuna Salad


This terrific no-mayonnaise tuna salad is delicious, flaky and crunchy, and is a fantastic addition to a healthy diet. It is perfect for lunch, sandwiches, and picnics. Turn this salad into a sandwich, cut a whole-wheat pita pocket in half, toast and stuff with tuna mixture, lettuce and tomatoes and enjoy! Simply…terrific!
– Add dry roasted unsalted chopped walnuts for a delicious and nutritious crunch.
– Add a boiled egg per serving for extra protein.
Ingredients – Salad:
• 1 bag of butter lettuce or romaine lettuce (5 ounces)
• 2 7oz. cans of light tuna in water
• 4 chopped mini bell peppers (2 red, 1 orange and 1 yellow)
• 2 teaspoons chopped flat-leaf parsley
• 1 cup mixed heirloom cherry tomatoes cut into quarters
Ingredients – Dressing:
• 1 small finely chopped red onion
• 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
• ½ lemon juice
• ¼ teaspoon sea salt or to taste
• ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper or to taste
• Drain water from canned tuna.
• In a bowl, whisk onions, oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
• Add tuna, bell peppers, and parsley and toss well.
• Spread lettuce on plate and add tuna on top of the lettuce.
• Scatter tomatoes and walnuts. Serve immediately.
Serves: 6
Active Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Nutrition Facts Per Serving: 78 Calories, 4.6g Carbohydrates, 3.34mg Cholesterol, 4.7g Fat, 147mg Potassium, 4.45g Protein, and 157.5mg Sodium
3 Reasons to Eat Canned Tuna:
1) Weight Control: Tuna is very high in lean protein and can aid in weight loss.
2) Reduce Risk of Heart Disease: Tuna is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Research uncovered that unsaturated fats improve blood vessel function, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
3) Boost Metabolism: Tuna is an excellent source of vitamin B-3 (niacin). It also has vitamin B-1, vitamin B-6 and large amounts of folic acid, which helps prevent atherosclerosis. All B vitamins help the body convert carbohydrates into fuel, which is used to produce energy.

7 Ways to Be Happy


Happiness comes from within. One way to become happier is to capture positive emotions. Happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing characterized by positive or pleasant emotions. You can pursue and capture happiness by following these simple ways to Be Happy!

1) Exercise

Make time for physical exercise. Even a 10-minute workout can boost your energy and mood. The Latinva Revolution fitness program includes 10-minute workout segments that are ideal for boosting your energy and mood. Not having time to workout is no longer an excuse!

2) Sleep

Get more quality sleep. According to some studies, not only getting enough sleep will make you happy, but being a happy person could help you get a good night’s sleep.

3) Meditate

Meditation is an ancient tradition that has been scientifically studied and proven to have a positive impact on our minds. It allows you to rest physically and mentally and will take you away from some of the challenges in your life.

4) Love Yourself

Love who you are and what you are doing, and don’t compare yourself to others. We are all wonderfully unique and have different things to offer. Focus on your strengths and laugh at your shortcomings.

5) Dance

Have you ever seen an unhappy dancer? Dancing requires concentration and interrupts unhappy thoughts. When you dance, your body releases endorphins, which tells your brain to lessen your experience of pain.

6) Smile

Smiling is contagious. When you smile, it makes others smile with you. Smiling releases serotonin in the brain, which gives you an instant mood lift.

7) Spend More Time with Family and Friends

Tell your family and friends that you love them. Social events are really important to improving our happiness. Studies show that spending quality time with friends and family is extremely important for our wellbeing.

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