Having been asked the question, “how has Latinva changed my life?”, it prompted me to answer back, “how hasn’t it?!” I started my Latinva journey almost 11 years ago and I haven’t missed a day dancing since. I stepped onto that gym dance floor and I stepped into a new chapter of my life. I can honestly say that I have never been happier. I am in better shape than I have ever been, not only physically but mentally and spiritually. Latinva has pushed me to go beyond my boundaries. It has taken me out of my comfort zone and I feel alive. Above all of that…as you see in my photos below, it has brought me the best gift I could ever ask for…relationships and connection with people of all ages, backgrounds and even countries! My heart is full with the joy of dance and the love for the dedicated students/friends who have come to me through … The Dance! This journey was not meant to be walked (danced) alone…