
7 Ways to Get Your Kitchen Ready for the Holidays

Are you ready for preparing the Holiday meals? Here are some tips on how to reduce the anxiety of cooking and getting your kitchen ready for the Holidays:
1) Buy Spices: Make sure that your spice rack and your pantry are well stocked.
2) Clean Oven: Give your oven a good cleaning, you don’t want your oven smoking while cooking your turkey or baking.
3) Declutter Countertops: You will need a lot of counter space for preparing your meals, get rid of small appliances and items that you won’t be using.
4) Inventory Cookware: Make sure that all your cookware is clean and ready to be used.
5) Wash Dishes, Flatware, Glasses, and Linens: If you intend to use special Holiday dishes, flatware, glasses and linens, they might be a bit dusty, so give them a good wash.
6) Remove Old Food From Cabinets and Refrigerator: Get rid of old and expired food from cabinets and refrigerator to make room for new ingredients, meals and leftovers.
7) Stock Up on Supplies: Make sure that you have plenty of supplies, to include foil, detergent, garbage bags, food containers, storage plastic bags, etc.

Do you have any other tips for getting your kitchen ready for the upcoming festivities? Share them with us…

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